

Happy Monday everyone. We woke up to some new snow this morning and everything is very quiet and still today. It really feels like a Sunday, if you ask me! Alas, I have a busy week ahead and I’m a little behind due to the death of my Grandpa Butler last week. It was nice to take a few extra days off to spend with family. Celebrating the life of a loved one lost is the true definition of bittersweet.

Anyway, this is what January has looked like through my iPhone lens. I’ve been keeping things simple this winter and it feels pretty good.

Hope you have a happy and productive week!

BY Kate Arends - January 23, 2012

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January 23, 2012 12:35 pm

Sorry to hear about your grandfather’s passing; it’s never easy to lose a loved one. On a side note, the mat in your front entrance is great – where is it from?

January 23, 2012 1:02 pm

I’m sorry about your grandpa (I lost mine this year, and it’s a strange feeling, like the end of an era). Thanks for the inspiration today!

January 23, 2012 3:00 pm

We woke up to rain and cold today as well! No snow though. That’s a rareity in sunny California. Get yourself a warm cup of coffee to make your day a little cozier. Also, I’m sorry to hear about your grandpa. It’s never easy to lose a loved one. Take care.

January 23, 2012 3:16 pm

So sorry to hear about your loss!
I see that you made spaghetti with fried egg (a la Mark Bittman?) It’s one of my favourite simple things to prepare! xxx

January 23, 2012 5:21 pm

adore the knits!! especially the stripes!! the flats you are wearing in the photo with you navy striped knit are absolutely amazing-where are they from? Also, love the lipstick color!!

January 23, 2012 8:48 pm

Oh, yes. Me too!

January 23, 2012 9:10 pm

so sorry to hear about your grandpa. I just spent the weekend with mine in what could be the last visit I have with him (he just received a terminal diagnosis at 87). Tough stuff, but makes me even more cognizant of appreciating the simple stuff.

January 23, 2012 9:38 pm

cheers to a new week, kate! adorable photos. this has been such a simple inspiring month for me. i love it. i am so sorry to hear about your grandpa, but i really hope you’ll be able to spend even more valued time with other family members.
hope your day is lovely.

January 23, 2012 10:36 pm

Hi Kate, I stumbled upon your blog through pinterest and had to check it out to see if this ‘kate arends’ was really you… and sure enough! Really enjoying your blog – one of my new favorite reads :).
I’m so sorry to hear about your grandfather. Thinking of you. xx Lindi

January 24, 2012 5:35 am

I’m so sorry to hear about your grandpa… x

January 24, 2012 9:29 am

My condolences on your loss. This is quite an upbeat post though, somehow it really put a smile on my face in spite of the hard time you must be going through. Love all the personal photos of you!

January 24, 2012 11:19 am

Oh dear – I’m so sorry to hear about your Grandpa 🙁 Love your iPhone pics for the month – there’s an aesthetic calm to them that is really lovely. Best, Annie x

January 24, 2012 12:54 pm

Such pretty outfits. Sorry to hear about the loss of your grandpa.

January 31, 2012 4:35 pm

I love you. 🙂

January 31, 2012 6:36 pm

I LOVE the idea of keeping track of your daily “events” with the iphone lens. Tech makes it so easy to document our daily lives these days, and why not? Very cute, and I too love the calm of a Sunday morning. Sorry to hear about your grandfather. 🙁

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