My Life In Color: A New Way To Record Your Past, Present, and Future


What comes to mind when you think of the color blue? Chances are the first three objects, places, or experiences that pop up are linked to important memories. Getting this connection on paper, in an absolutely gorgeous way, is the goal behind Brittany Watson Jepsen’s newest book, My Life In Color: A Keepsake of My Past, Present, and Future aims to do.

Organized by ROGBV with the addition of an 8th color— gold, the book-meets scrapbook prompts you to examine your relationship with color through a series of prompts, playful visuals, and quotes related to each hue. The result is a very unique and creative way of expressing what makes you—you. I took the blue section for a spin and within a couple minutes found myself going a lot deeper than simply jotting down that blue was my favorite color.

For example, I did not expect to find myself letting go of having “the blues” this morning with a cheeky certificate of achievement commemorating my human-ness.

Other pages prompt you to connect your color by associating it to memories or to have a home for bits and pieces of ephemera you’ve saved. It is quite fun to think about your past mementos in a new way. It seems like a different way to experience your past— or perhaps a sort of inadvertent way to look at it through a new lens.

My Life In Color is a wonderful gift for yourself, but it is especially lovely as a gift for a friend who brings color into your world.

For those of you that would like to learn more, here is a little more background on Brittney Watson Jepsen’s latest products! My Life In Color came out on Tuesday, September 4th and is now available wherever books are sold. It was created as a companion journal to the recently released, Craft the Rainbow. Additionally, there is also a hardcover and a softcover journal being released as a complete collection.

I’ll leave you with this question – what comes to mind when you see the color blue?!

BY Kate Arends - September 11, 2018

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September 11, 2018 11:33 am

Thanks for sharing – this book seems like such a fun journey through color. While soft pinks are my favorite, blue is just an elegant timeless color. I think of blue lapis with ribbons of white and black in the rock, and I think of the bluest waters and skies from my travels. I’ll have to check out this book for sure!

Eva |

September 11, 2018 12:19 pm

Thank you thank you so much!!! mwah!

September 11, 2018 1:28 pm

The ocean comes to mind when I think of the color blue. The calm and the excitement at once that being near water brings to this landlocked girl. Vacations with my family and friends, or solo spent looking out at the water day and night are the best vacations in my book. A physical and mental reset every time.

November 16, 2018 12:51 am

i like it..

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