January W&D Theme: Create Every Day


Six months ago I found myself in a funk that was hard to shake. I was ready to give up on so many things I had worked hard to create (this website) and worried I was just too tired to show up every day and write, design, lead, make. Instead of blowing up my life (like I did 8 years ago), I picked up a sketchbook and promised to let go of my ego. I would make time each day to draw, for no reason other than the enjoyment of watching my hand glide across the page. It didn’t matter what I made as long as I was making.

That quiet moment seemed small and insignificant at the time, but now that I’m in day 80 of my 100 Days of Creativity Challenge, I’ve realized the act of making something is much more than what comes out of my pen and on to paper. I’ve had more than a few people ask me how I stay motivated and share that they could never be “creative” for that long. That got me thinking about what it means to be “creative” and the difference between “creative” and “artistic.”
This month, we are going to share stories all about “creativity,” from out-of-the-box decor ideas, finding creativity in unexpected places, and a more in-depth look at my 100 Days of Creativity challenge that’s almost complete. The theme “Create Every Day” isn’t designed to take you from doodler to artist, but connect you with the part of your brain so many of us fail to exercise, even people who work in “creative” fields.
We want you to join us in practice the act of creating for the sake of creation because our creativity is what makes life interesting, unique, curious, and wondrous. We’re here to help you stay on task, cheer you on, and guide you through a month of play where there is no “good” or “bad” just doing.
Lastly, I want to hear from you! We all have the power to create and be creative, from meals to spreadsheets to artistic masterpieces. I want to hear how you stay motivated, where you go for inspiration and what tools you use. Share what you Create Every Day and we may feature you on social.

Things Happening during our January month of “Create Every Day”

  • The Create Every Day Challenge – a series of daily emails to change your perspective and shake up your routine. Want to be the first to know when it launches later this year? Sign up here.
  • Create Every Day Checklist – a downloadable reminder to keep you motivated!
  • We are creating a new way to talk to you! Sign up for our W&D e-mail list to receive exclusive W&D content straight to your inbox.


BY Kate Arends - January 1, 2019

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January 1, 2019 10:22 am

Excited to join in on this! 😊

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Hi, I'm Kate. Welcome to my happy place.











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