Let’s Get Personal: A List of Adult Concerns


I’ve got a question for you: how did you know when you officially “came of age?” Was it when you turned a certain number? Or would you say it was a certain moment, for instance, when you started living on your own or had sex for the first time? The reason I ask is because, well, I guess I’ve never taken the time to ask myself. According to Google, I’ve been an adult for 10 years now, which is utterly mind-boggling because it certainly doesn’t feel that way. I don’t know what’s more bizarre, though—that, or how as a kid, I used to think adults had all the answers. Now I know that is definitely not the case, or at least not for me. There is no such thing as an “adult guidebook,” which can be both invigorating and incredibly frustrating.

Acknowledging that there is so much more I need to learn about in life, lately, I’ve been challenging myself to become more vulnerable. Striking up conversations with strangers, vocalizing my opinion more, you name it—and come to find out, so many of us share the same questions and concerns. Which got me thinking, if we could all tap into the mysterious vortex of vulnerability, just imagine how much we could solve together. So, like Broad City’s Abbi Jacobson shared in her recent memoir I Might Regret This (if you haven’t read it, you should, it’s amazing!) here is the laundry list of “adult concerns” (big and small) that have been running through my mind lately. I dare you to share yours.

My Long, Elaborate List of Adult Concerns:

How to achieve equality (racial, gender, LGBTQIA)

Reversing climate change

Saving the ocean’s coral reefs

Accessible health care for all

Gun control

Police brutality

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Assault

Sexual Violence

Balanced representation

The current political environment

Why is everything wrapped in plastic these days?

Are the plastic produce bags really necessary?

Reducing plastic consumption

Eating fewer preservatives

Keeping plants alive

No, making plants THRIVE

Taxes: Should I hire an accountant or just use TurboTax?

But if I use TurboTax, will I remember all of my deductibles?

What all counts as deductibles?

Will I ever understand deductibles?

Will I ever live in a space larger than 250 square feet?

Will I ever live in a space where my bed doesn’t double as my couch?

How to avoid “filter bubbles”

Will Amazon one day take over?

What about Facebook?

What long-term effects will social media have?

How to keep in touch and not be on social media

Finding ways to volunteer more

Becoming more civically involved/educated

How to better support local artisans/farmers/entrepreneurs

The impacts of fast-fashion and our environment

Should I start to meditate each morning?

Will I one day find my “center”?

Where is my “center”?

Family separation

Equal educational opportunities

The Internet and privacy issues

Giving away too much personal data online

My digital footprint

My environmental footprint

Multi-tasking and is it a good thing?

Stretching more

Whether I’ll be able to one day do those yoga pretzel moves

Is flossing once a day enough?

Will I ever be “ready” for kids?

Will I be able to get pregnant?

Will my kids grow up in a safe world?

Can I even afford kids?

Overall health

The health of family/friends

Should I get Lasik eye surgery?

Should I get an IUD?

Am I saving enough for retirement?

Are smoothies healthier than juice?

Why people ask if I’m getting enough protein when I say I’m a vegan

The chemicals in my makeup/shampoos/lotions

All ingredients I can’t pronounce

Why are those ingredients even allowed?


When to go organic

Am I properly washing produce?

Finding a better way to rinse quinoa before cooking

Why do you need to rinse quinoa before cooking?

Is it possible to eat too many chickpeas?

Why does Spirulina smell like fish food?

Am I the only one who thinks that?

Finding time to learn another language

My posture

What are the best new shows on Netflix?

Am I thinking about Netflix too much; should I be reading instead?

Dedicating more time to reading

Eating too many avocados

Is coconut oil healthy?

Good fats vs. bad fats

Freak accidents

Is my phone being tapped?

Big data

Saving wildlife

Educating others on saving wildlife

How often should I wash sheets/towels?

How often should I wash bras/yoga pants?

The right way to place bras in a drawer

Should I lay them all flat on each other or invert one side?

Travel insurance

Insurance options for rental cars—how to know which to choose?

Are Bluetooth headphones safe?

Did my mom worry about these things when she was my age?

Am I calling my mom enough?

Am I calling my dad enough?

How do I know if I am addicted to caffeine?

Is it normal to like to snack on prunes?

Am I on the right path, making the right decisions?

Will I find a fulfilling career?

How will I die?

Will I ever stop biting my nails?

Do people notice I bite my nails? (Ah, they have to, right?)

Does this list make me sound paranoid?

Should I even care? No.

Image sources: 1

BY Kathryn - February 18, 2019

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February 18, 2019 11:13 am

Love this – so relatable.

February 18, 2019 8:20 pm

All of these. Thanks.

Kelly Nickell
February 19, 2019 10:25 am

here are two tips that will answer some of your questions. Google zero waste and Community supported Agriculture (CSA). As for the rest let me know what you find out 🙂

February 19, 2019 2:41 pm

Why does Spirulina smell like fish food? – because it is an algae, so basically it IS fish food! 🙂

the plastic produce bags are not necessary at all. if you really need them, buy/make some reusable ones!

Kelly Drummond
February 20, 2019 11:40 am

Im really glad its not just me

February 20, 2019 4:12 pm

I also totally like to snack on prunes and question why I do so.

February 21, 2019 6:21 am

Still asking all these questions at 35 with 3 kids.

February 21, 2019 4:49 pm

“I’m really glad it’s not just me” RT to that. Yes to all of this.

February 27, 2019 12:59 am

I realised I became ‘adult’ just around that 50 mark, when it became time to ‘take care’ of parents! Financial guidance and all other niggly household things that need to be taken care of! (More scary when you are an only child) Suddenly this ‘teenager’ had to grow up pretty quickly! Very scary when you realise you are now adult.

Ruins Barry
March 10, 2019 4:57 pm

Everything & More.
But I Will Never Fully Grow Up.

[…] it turns out, this friendship complex is quite common among adult concerns. The New York Times wrote about it nearly seven years ago. Man Repeller posted a recent article on […]

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