Back To Basics — Tidying Up



Ed. note: This post was sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive®. The compensation received in exchange for placement on Wit & Delight is used to purchase props, hire a photographer, write/edit the blog post and support the larger team behind Wit & Delight.

While compensation was received in exchange for coverage, all thoughts and opinions are always my own. Sponsored posts like these allow for development of additional dynamic content to be produced, unsponsored. Thank you for supporting our partners!

About a month ago, I shared with you some ways I was inspired by my pregnancy to create a pure home for my family. Now that I’m in my third trimester it’s more important than ever to keep the items my family uses clean with better-for-you products (that don’t agitate my sensitive nose).


I swapped out some household products that were previously staples in my home: hand soap, detergent, dryer sheets, dish soap. All seemingly innocuous products that were literally making my nose and skin crawl. And, thanks to a timely request to partner with a tried and true brand, we decided to use a better-for you dish soap to replace others that were bad for my senses and bad for my family. 


We took Ultra Palmolive® pure + clear® dish liquid for a test drive. In doing a bit of on-the-spot research (thank you smartphone), I learned that it contains biodegradable cleaning ingredients, no heavy fragrances (myth: sensitivity to smells stops after the first trimester. Ugh) or irritating dyes and is hypoallergenic. This is great news for my skin and nose, but would it still clean like the original Palmolive? Thankfully, yes.

The great thing about the product is it cuts through grime and dirt and is available at Target. After hosting dinner my dishes definitely needed a deep clean.


We gave our pans a good scrub…

And our dirty dishes a good scrub. The only not-so-great part about using a pure and clean soap in place of chemical cleaners is I don’t have an excuse to put off cleaning my dishes anymore. Oh, well.

At least we have soap that will cut through the mess left by a sudden craving for lasagna, even if a little ends up on the counter.

Photos: 2nd Truth Photography

BY Kate Arends - June 2, 2016

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June 3, 2016 3:55 pm

Recently I’ve been motivated to clean up our household products. As we have to replace things around the house, I’ve started switching to more dye-free/harsh-chemical-free/cloying-scent-free options. We got this exact dish soap and I love it! It really does clean just as well and has such a light, pleasant scent.

June 16, 2016 11:22 am

Such a great post!

Would you mind sharing who created that lovely hand printed tea towel?

August 22, 2019 10:29 am

Must be thanks for the very nice article here you can seen robux free the here feature for batter play this nice fun here i like it.

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