I receive a wide array of questions on Instagram and I’ve always considered creating a little web series in response to all of these amazing inquiries, but now that IG recently created the new “Ask Me Anything” prompt, I felt inspired to compile and answer your questions in a more public sphere. Here is the first grouping of responses that I finally sat down to ruminate on. A Lot of these questions revolve around productivity, daily routines, work inspiration and project management. It was so fun to go through these. I would love to hear what other questions you have in the comments below!
I’m doing a really bad job at this right now. I’m currently reading “The One Thing” in an attempt to simplify my goals both at home and at work.
Typically, I wake up at 7 am. My morning routine is really dictated by my kids right now. We have a 7-month-old and 24-month-old, so if either one of them is up during the night, I sleep until they wake up.
7-8 am: We eat breakfast together, listen to the news, and get ready for our nanny to arrive. My bag is usually packed the night before, so I throw on some powder, lipstick, and mascara and head out the door.
8-8:30 am: Podcast and me time on the way to work. I purposely make my commute a little longer so I can finish one podcast on the way to work. I drive through Starbucks and listen to a business-related episode from any one of my go-tos: HBR Idea Cast, HIBT, Masters of Scale, or Goal Digger.
8:30 am-4:45 pm: Work time.
5-7 pm: Dinner, baths, and play time! Our kids go down pretty consistently at 7 pm.
7-8 pm: Cleaning up, organizing, putting toys and laundry away, catch up with Joe.
8-10 pm: Netflix and chill.
10 pm-2am: Depending on my workload, I crack my computer open again and put a few hours against whatever big projects I’m tackling that week.
I organize my weeks so meetings are on M-T and the rest of the week can be used for big projects. This way I can keep trucking towards longterm goals while keeping the smaller administrative tasks from turning into big projects themselves. I tend to overestimate how long it takes to do the thing I don’t want to do and underestimate the time it takes to do the stuff I want to do.
And if what is giving me anxiety is a REAL problem, I write down the ways I could make it better. If I do just one of those things, the anxiety lessens a bit.
When I have a really intense week of working 10-14 hour days, I take the ENTIRE weekend off. Like, I don’t talk to anyone, my phone is turned off, etc.
For me, that’s Abstract or Chef’s Table on Netflix or HIBT podcasts.
– Ask yourself if you’ve had time to recharge.
– Ask yourself if you’ve been taking care of yourself physically.
If your answer is no to any of those questions, taking care of yourself becomes priority #1. If I can’t leave the office to get headspace or I have deadlines I can’t move, I remind myself that as soon as I finish, I get to put myself first.
It seems counterproductive, but when I take the time to identify WHY I’m feeling unmotivated, it takes away the pressure to power through or that there’s something wrong with me. You’re not unproductive because you are BAD, you are unproductive because you’re not 100% yourself.
Airtable — Our entire business is run on airtable, which means all our important information is at our fingertips at all times. Makes it easy to file away ideas and collaborate on projects.
Alexa’s timer app — I use timers to get started and stay focused on one task.
Leap Second — Organizes photos and videos by date and stores highlights for compilation videos.
ALPACAÂ — Helps make it easy to delete photos you don’t need.
Daily tasks: light cleaning and organizing what is out of place.
Weekly tasks: laundry, bill paying, scheduling appointments, social plans.
We used to try and fit weekly tasks in without structure and we never felt on top of things. We also delegate. I pay bills and organize our paperwork and Joe keeps our social lives and schedule in order. We do our own laundry and our nanny does the kids’ laundry.
We also have a cleaning service that comes to our house twice a week.
Decide what you CAN do, not what you should do. I truly believe done is better than perfect. You learn from missteps and most often the “right” step reveals itself once you have a better idea what is or isn’t possible.
BY Kate Arends - July 27, 2018
Did you know W&D now has a resource library of Printable Art, Templates, Freebies, and more?
Thank you for being here. For being open to enjoying life’s simple pleasures and looking inward to understand yourself, your neighbors, and your fellow humans! I’m looking forward to chatting with you.
Amen to writing being the hardest task to sit down and do. It’s so simple, but it’s literally sitting down and doing the work. Such a fun interview!
Eva | http://www.shessobright.com
I LOVE the tip of writing down why you’re stressed and thinking through it. There have been times when I’ve been scared to let go of a fear/stressor in case it was actually my gut warning me of something, but have never taken it from my brain to the page to quickly examine. Thanks!
Perfection, so helpful! Thanks for sharing Kate!
Thank you for such a great post! Always love reading about daily routines and productivity!
I love this. More please 🙂