Decor Faux Pas We Can’t Help but Love

Interiors & Decor

We live in an age where inspiration abounds. From Pinterest to Instagram to the design blogs and magazines we know and love, we’re all receiving constant input and inspiration from outside sources. We can all have our fingertips on the pulse of what design trends are most popular on any given day.

In part, being able to see how others are designing their spaces is amazing. It gives me ideas for how to design my own home, and provides inspiration when I feel like I’m in a design rut. On the other hand? I’ve found that being able to see what everyone else is doing means that variety sometimes gets tossed out the window, and everything ends up looking the same.

In the spirit of straying away from sometimes overused trends, I recently found myself thinking about decor “faux pas”: elements of design that are out of the box, and that I can’t help but love. Today I’m sharing a few of the faux pas I find myself most drawn to.


Incorporating Purple or Lavender Decor

Image via Old Brand New “Reinvent Giving With HP Spectre x360”
Image via The Decorista “Home Tour: The Glamorous Bohemian Home of Amelia Widel”

Why it has a bad rep: People often view purple or lavender as harsh colors that make a statement (perhaps too much so) and don’t mix well with other hues.

Why we love it: When done correctly, a rich purple hue can make a striking focal point in a space. Pick one or a few purple pieces, and let them shine on their own.


Mixing Patterns

Image via Hygge & West on Instagram
Image via Schoolhouse “Designer Spotlight: Amber Lewis”

Why it has a bad rep: Mixing patterns seems to be synonymous with clashing. And, to be fair, we’ve all seen this design trend done badly.

Why we love it: Bringing multiple patterns into a space can transform an otherwise neutral palette into something intriguing and fresh. The key is to stay within a particular color palette across the board, and to pick patterns that are complementary, without being *too* matchy.


Combining Black and Navy

Image via @shoppeamberinteriors on Instagram
Image via TileBar

Why it has a bad rep: It’s one of those deeply ingrained design rules as old as time: never mix black and blue.

Why we love it: Rules? They’re meant to be broken. A rich navy paired with black can provide a beautiful base for a room, especially when combined with lighter neutral tones to brighten things up.


Painting Woodwork

Image viz @katemarkerinteriors on Instagram
Image via Dwell “5 Totally Unexpected Flooring Materials for your Home”

Why it has a bad rep: Design purists would prefer that natural woodwork be left in its original form, always and forever. Why mess with what’s already working?

Why we love it: Woodwork frames a space, and if you’re looking to take a design risk or do something out of the box, painting woodwork can be a beautiful way to make an impact.


Choosing Dark Ceilings

Images via Schoolhouse “Designer Spotlight: Courney Bishop”
Image via @muskokalivinginteriors on Instagram

Why it has a bad rep: Dark ceilings can make a room feel small and potentially claustrophobic, according to some.

Why we love it: Especially if the rest of your space is relatively neutral, painting your ceiling a darker color can create more interest and draw the eye upward.

What decor faux pas have you mixed into your own home? Are there any instances where you’ve thrown caution to the wind and incorporated a design element so out of the box, some folks may scoff at it? Tell us about it in the comments! We’re all ears.

BY Kate Arends - May 28, 2019


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