W&D Holiday Gift Guide: 10 Gifts for Tired Parents


The holidays are a magical time when you have children. I personally am loving decorating the house, making cookies, and creating new traditions this holiday season with my family. All this merrymaking is lovely, but at the end of the day, I’m tapped out.

A few nights ago, Bennett was up all night wanting company and telling me stories. I slept on the floor of her bedroom and wasn’t exactly rested when I woke up the next morning. We as parents are ready to roll with whatever punches life brings on any given day, but sometimes? Sometimes those punches can wear us out. In the spirit of giving to the tired parents we all know and love, I’m sharing a few items on my holiday gift list that will make my life (and just about any parent’s life) a little bit easier.

Still in doubt? One word: childcare. It truly is the perfect gift for parents new and experienced.

Stay tuned for more holiday gift ideas from us in the weeks ahead. If you want more gifting inspiration, be sure to check out our Kate Loves page or our Amazon site.

Mums Hemstitched Supima® Percale Bedding in Navy
Cottage Stripe Relaxed-Linen Bedding in Charcoal
Dream Quilt Collection in White
Wrinkle-Resistant Embroidered Sateen Bedding in White

A great pair of sheets can make slipping into bed a truly special experience, especially when you’re as tired as parents of young children. Joe and I particularly love Garnet Hill’s extra soft and cooling percale sheet sets.

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Winnie & Carl

There was life before our Roomba, Carl, came to our house and there was life after. I cannot recommend getting an iRobot device enough, especially with little ones and a dog. The floors in our main living areas have never looked cleaner and free of hair. It works. 10/10 rating from the Peters Household.

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Year & Day’s candles come in four luxury scents that instantly transform you to a place far, far away from the smell of…kids. The vessel is refillable so you’ll be able to reuse the candle over and over again.

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Lost your phone, wallet, or keys at the bottom of the diaper bag? It’s easy to track easy-to-lose items with Tile. I was gifted these three years ago and it’s one of my tricks to keeping life together.

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Where you can give the gift of time, do it. TaskRabbit is the gift of time. Having a handyman come over for the day to fix all the little things you keep putting on the bottom of your to-do list? It might actually be priceless for tired parents.

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Getting your kids in the car to just get a cup of coffee is an event, so having that luxury at home can really help take the edge off a long Saturday with wild kids.

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I will never NOT recommend Glerups. The best slipper out there and worth every penny. Joe and I actually bring them with us when we travel we love them so much!

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Just what the Dr. (Jart) ordered. A quick pick-me-up for tired faces and a nice way to enjoy a spa night in the comfort of your own home.

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Time is everything for parents and the Instant Pot can prepare foods up to 70% faster. We use ours for everything from cooking rice in 5 minutes, eggs in 2, and risotto in 15. Plus, it’s hands-free. Winner, winner chicken dinner.

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Again, help these tired souls find more time! Shipt grocery delivery is a lifesaver and I know plenty of parents who haven’t tried it yet. Once you understand how it works, it’s amazing to have in your back pocket for busy days, sick kids, or extra cold winter days. We’ve found using grocery deliver has cut our grocery bill by at least 15%!

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Want even more holiday gift ideas? Be sure to check out our Kate Loves page and our Amazon shop.

Editor’s Note: This article contains affiliate links. Wit & Delight uses affiliate links as a source for revenue to fund operations of the business. Have a question or want to learn more about how we use affiliate links? Shoot us an email.

BY Kate Arends - November 15, 2019


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