My 2024 Summer Bucket List: 23 Ideas to Enjoy a Simple Summer


An outdoor summer meal with friends

My whole goal this summer is to do less (and my 2024 summer bucket list reflects this). I say this every year, then promptly find a way to fill my time. June was busier than I wanted it to be, so I’m looking at how and why it became that way when I had every intention of having more time for boredom.  

These years are golden with my kids ages six and seven (soon to be eight) and I want to be present, do fewer things, and teach them that it’s okay to chill. It’s been harder than I anticipated. I know it’s important and timely—because it’s such a unique period of their lives. I don’t want to miss any of the mundane, everyday things that are so intrinsically tied to summer.

The Discomfort and Necessity of Slowing Down

This past weekend, we had the opportunity to do nothing on Friday and Saturday nights. I could feel myself wanting to fill the space by either finding someone to hang out with or doing something to distract myself from just being at home with my family. I could see my kids itching to do the same. Instead, we snuggled in for some rainy day movies like Hook and Free Willy, and I got curious about why I wanted to fill my time even though I was absolutely exhausted. I don’t have the exact answer quite yet. All I know is slowing down is inherently uncomfortable if you’re not accustomed to it (even for someone who calls themselves an introvert), and it takes time to get to the other side of this discomfort. 

And so, my summer bucket list is small. I’m going in with no expectations to do very much, knowing that choosing to opt out of stacking schedules is good for everyone in my family, even if it doesn’t feel like it sometimes. I’m hoping it yields more time for togetherness—times that might not make the photo albums but leave an imprint on all of our hearts. 

A kid wearing flower sunglasses looking out over a lake in the summer

Here’s what’s on my 2024 summer bucket list. This summer I want to…

My 2024 Summer Bucket List

  1. Sleep in.
  2. Camp in the backyard. 
  3. Pick flowers.
  4. Go out for ice cream.
  5. Make popsicles.
  6. Birdwatch in our neighborhood.
  7. Paint for enjoyment.
  8. Read books.
  9. Stargaze on a warm night.
  10. Play card games.
  11. Do puzzles. 
  12. Play tennis.
  13. Eat cherries.
  14. Venture out in the rain.
  15. Do cannonballs into the pool.
  16. Stay up late. 
  17. Visit my sister in San Francisco.
  18. Stretch my body.
  19. Walk in nature.
  20. Tell stories.
  21. Spend time drawing.
  22. Collect four-leaf clovers.
  23. Write for fun.
A collection of four-leaf clovers tucked into a book

What’s on your summer bucket list this year?

BY Kate Arends - June 26, 2024

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June 26, 2024 11:36 pm

I love how these don’t involve insane amounts of money – great list!

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Hi, I'm Kate. Welcome to my happy place.











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