Last month I asked our Wit & Delight Instagram audience to share their gardening and landscaping questions with us. Well, friends, do I have answers. I was fortunate enough to speak with Jessie Jacobson, the owner and landscaping and gardening expert over at Tonkadale Greenhouse, one of my favorite places to visit. (Tonkadale is also the driving force behind my recent front yard update!). Jessie was kind enough to share some of her expertise in answering your top landscaping and gardening questions.
A: Let’s not call them mistakes. Your intention is to plant plants and that is never a mistake. We definitely see gardeners get discouraged by trying to do too much at once. It’s always important to rely on the experts at your local garden center to make sure you plant the right plants for your location, amend your soil at the time of planting, and continue to water newly planted perennials, trees, and shrubs until the ground freezes solid in the fall.
Always remember, the joy is in the journey. Gardening is a thing you do over time—you learn as you go, gaining momentum from small successes.
A: No, not necessarily. Some perennials will give a second flush after pruning, but this is not the case with most. Plant a mix of perennials with early, mid, and late bloom times to ensure you always have color. Leave pockets for annual plants which provide flower power all season long!
A: This really depends on the application. Plants that are planted in the right location will thrive with proper planting and care during their first year of establishment. The easiest way to kill plants is to not provide enough water, especially after planting. From here, we can deduce that drought-tolerant plants are the hardest to kill! Perennials that tolerate drought include ornamental grasses, alliums, milkweed, echinacea, and many more. Check out this list of drought-tolerant plants!
A: These are my main tips for thriving container gardens:
A: Visit your local garden center and take advantage of their resources and customer service. Before you go, consider your answers to these questions:
Generally speaking, I’d recommend starting with a small area, planting in multiples, choosing a color palette, varying bloom time, bloom size, and bloom shape, mixing perennials, trees, and shrubs, including evergreens, and leaving pockets for annuals and herbs.
A: Here’s what I suggest:
A: Hydrangeas are always worth the investment! We have an amazing blog post, “All About Hydrangeas,” to answer all of your hydrangea questions!
A: Trees planted near the home are considered foundational plantings. Trees and shrubs soften harsh architectural lines and can provide shade and insulation which promotes energy efficiency. Trees or shrubs planted close to the house should be smaller in stature, complementing the design of the house while not blocking windows or interesting features. Here is a list of trees and shrubs to consider:
A: I’m not an expert on pruning trees, but I do know a bit about pruning shrubs. Here are the basics of pruning shrubs.
Pruning is done to improve the shrub’s appearance and help maintain its natural or manicured form, promote new growth, branching, and flowering, and promote overall plant health by improving airflow and removing dead or diseased branches.
First, we need to know if our shrubs bloom on new wood or old wood. Shrubs that bloom on old wood set buds for next year at the end of the growing season. Prune these shrubs after flowering to encourage new flower bud formation. These are generally spring or early summer blooming shrubs including lilacs forsythia, mock orange, rhododendron, azalea, weigela, and ninebark.
Shrubs that bloom on new wood form buds on growth during the current growing season and tend to bloom mid to late summer. Prune shrubs that bloom on old wood in late winter or in early spring before the shrub has broken dormancy. Examples include panicle hydrangea, smooth hydrangea, summersweet, smoke bush, and roses.
Note that some newer shrub varieties provide blooms on new and old wood, including varieties of weigela such as the Sonic Bloom series, the Bloomerang series of lilac, and newer continuous blooming varieties of bigleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla).
A: Turfgrass is needy. Copious amounts of water and fertilizer are what keep grass looking full and fluffy. At Tonkadale we choose to sell grass seed that is certified by the Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance. These grass mixes require up to 30% less inputs—less water, less fertilizer, less chemicals, and less mowing. Consider overseeding your lawn with this type of grass seed if you are interested in conservation-friendly turf.
Another option is to plant a bee lawn or native bee lawn mix. The bee lawn mix follows recommendations from the University of Minnesota, combining Dutch white clover, self-heal, and creeping thyme to create a seed mixture that can transform your lawn into a pollinator habitat while maintaining the function and recreation associated with a traditional lawn. The bee lawn seed mixture has been shown to support more than sixty bee species in Minnesota. Bee lawn flower seed can be overseeded into a pre-existing stand of healthy fine fescue or Kentucky bluegrass turf.
The native bee lawn mix uses all native wildflowers (self-heal, yaak yarrow, blue-eyed grass) to transform your home lawn into a beautiful mix of turfgrass and flowers. This seed mix is designed to reinforce the longstanding evolutionary relationships we observe in nature between pollinators and the native plants they depend on.
Read more about sustainable lawnscaping on Tonkadale’s blog.
A: In this case, it is best to remove the grass first. You can remove turfgrass by hand with a shovel, but it’s so easy to rent a sod kicker from your local hardware store. If time is on your side, you can cover the area with plastic for several weeks to kill grass for easy removal by hand. Herbicides would not be our preferred method.
After the grass is removed, rent a tiller and work in compost at a rate of one cubic foot per ten square feet. Next, lay edging and then it’s time to plant!
A: Totally different light requirements require totally different plants. If your garden space is continuous, there will be a transition zone that is part-sun. Use this area to plant things in common with both the sun and shade area. Many can tolerate a good amount of sun and still perform in a shady situation. Examples include astilbe, Japanese forest grass, heuchera, and hosta. Don’t worry about the sun and shade areas being a perfect match. Think more about the colors, textures, and structure you want to bring to each area.
A: Here are my tips on caring for a garden in the heat:
A: There are so many plants that are great for shade that offer color and interest both in foliage and flower. Some of our favorites include:
A: Jumping worms are invasive worms that have made their way to the Twin Cities area through the transport of plants and soil. They can be very destructive, especially in major ecosystems as they change the structure of soil and strip it of nutrients.
My best advice is to purchase soil (bagged or bulk) and plants from reputable garden centers. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources asks that you report sightings of jumping worms. Destroy and dispose of jumping worms if you find them. After they become established, there is not a whole lot you can do.
The fear of jumping worms is a real thing and can be labeled as solastalgia, which is the stress caused by environmental change. Many of us will experience distress over the implications of climate change, invasive species, and extreme weather events.
Read more about jumping worms by visiting the UMN Extension website.
A: This is the best blog post ever! “How to Repel Deer and Rabbits in the Garden”
A: Just the fact that folks are thinking about this topic is a step in the right direction. If you are planting plants, you are already a responsible, eco-conscious gardener.
These are some must-read blog posts on the topic:
A: Planting a garden for continuous color is not only appealing to us but also has great ecological benefits. Continuous color means a constant food source for pollinators and beneficial insects. Find out what blooms early, mid, and late in your area. At Tonkadale, we have a really great chart! Also, pay attention to what is blooming in your neighborhood or city over the course of the summer, then plant that!
A: Perennial survival is most closely related to how long our lowest minimum temperatures are sustained. In the Twin Cities, we can hit temperatures as low as -30 degrees Fahrenheit which classifies us as Zone 4. Although the summers seem to be getting hotter, Zone 5 classification has more to do with winter lows than summer highs. In urban or protected areas, heat accumulates and gardeners in our area are able to have success with Zone 5 perennials, trees, and shrubs.
Editor’s Note: This post is sponsored by Tonkadale. The compensation we receive in exchange for placement on Wit & Delight is used to purchase props, hire a photographer, write/edit the blog post, and support the larger team behind Wit & Delight.
While compensation was received in exchange for coverage, all thoughts and opinions are always my own. Sponsored posts like these allow us to continue to develop dynamic unsponsored content. Thank you for supporting our partners!
Kate is the founder of Wit & Delight. She is currently learning how to play tennis and is forever testing the boundaries of her creative muscle. Follow her on Instagram at @witanddelight_.
BY Kate Arends - August 21, 2023
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