What is the “Perfect” Age? We Asked, You Answered


Earlier this month, I asked our Instagram followers to share what they felt their perfect age was. Before the question was presented, I had them vote on if they were “too old” or “too young” for certain polarizing topics. Are you too old or too young to ask for what you want in bed? Are you too old or too young for that short skirt? What about a career change? While a few questions were split down the middle, our little experience showed us what I had expected: we’re really inclined to set limits for ourselves. And most often, those limits are not informed by internal reflection, they’re informed by what we’ve been exposed to. And for most of us, that means we’ve been brought up to believe that young is good, old is bad, and you better get it all in before time runs out.

I hate to burst your bubble, but the answer is… there is no perfect age. Just a healthy perspective on life and a propensity for living in the moment. Here are a couple answers we received from readers of all ages on why the age they are right now, just happened to be their definition of perfect.

“Today’s age! No day have you been wiser, and tomorrow was never promised to any of us” @taispacerosa

“Whatever age you are at the moment. Because you have no other choice.” @notetosarah

“Whatever age you feel comfortable in your own body and your truth (awareness age)”  @Steph_gilles

“24! Some responsibility but still carefree and no hangovers!” @mdphoties

“30 – because it is my age now. I’ve never felt more confident, capable, or comfortable.” @kendallcoxpark

“50, halfway there, you know where you’ve been, where you’re at and where you’re going!!!!” @abigapplemom

“When you stop giving a shit about what everyone thinks of you.” @emily_woodham

“I think I love the age I am now, early 40s. Confidence and not caring what others think!” @_nathalieclerc

“I thought my mid/late 20s were good, till I hit my 30s. I think the perfect age is what you are now.” – @tintinn85

“Happiness! Every age where this is core.” @redwagonpizza

“32. Just turned it. A balance of learning in my 20s (job, relationship, life experiences) and having SO much life ahead of me. I’m still so young. I live every day for my mother and sister who were killed in 2007. Life is short, unfair, etc. You have to keep living. Accepting who you are is key.” @nicholas_moen

“Definitely won’t go back, so I’ll go with current! Being old seems fun.” @katieroz

“There is not one!!! Norms + averages exist but they’re just patterns and stats!” @bbreehg

“The age you are. Age discrimination happens at both ends.” @nancybperales

“53. Because that’s me now and I like it (me) a lot.” @lisamsiebert

“I’d like to think my best age is always in the future, so growing towards it every day.” @allisonjohansonart

“Whatever age I am! I’m just here for the adventure.” @hgcstudio

“Love where I’m at. 28, SAHM with 2 littles. Feels like the perfect age to do what I’m doing!” @alysabalfour

“37 and it increases by 1 each year. I’ve been through hell and happy to “be” each year.” @thehouseofjuly

“Whatever age a person is on any given day. It all happens just once. Embrace it!” @carriescottevert

“All ages are valid for all those things. Because, human beings!” @htrevr

“I’ve always said I’ll peak in my forties! (currently 26)” @thearwatt

BY Kate Arends - March 28, 2019

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March 28, 2019 10:52 pm

Bài viết thật là tuyệt vời !!!

April 4, 2019 12:29 pm

Your body is in great shape.
Emotionally, you start to make the clear cut calls with less estrogen. It is heaven.
Your friends are seen for what they are. Gold.
You have some skill sets, but a craving to learn more-
You don’t care what people think of you. Seriously.
You love more intentionally.

June 10, 2019 5:57 am

Hey Kate,
Nice blog and you look beautiful. You are right; don’t care what others think. It’s our life, be confident, and Enjoy every moment of life. I agree with your points and enjoy reading your blogs.
Keep posting!!

July 27, 2020 7:47 pm

38 (so far)… I’m learning that age is just a number, but the higher it is the wiser I’ve become!


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