September Horoscopes: Your Hopes Have Arrived


Welcome to September, a magical month that will leave you breathless and excited for its endless opportunities. The month begins hearing the echoes of a New Moon in Virgo that fell at the end of August, singing a sweet tune with the aid of nearly half of the Solar System. Mid-month, we dance on into the dreamy and imaginative seas of a Full Moon in Pisces on September 13th, enchanting us with a hint of sorcery. As the month draws to a close, we will be focusing a bit more on our important partnerships as a New Moon in the sign of Libra dawns, urging us to balance our relationships. Learn more about what is in store for your month ahead.


Work is a major focus for you, Aries, and you will feel the grind pick up. You could suddenly be taking on more responsibility on the job or thinking about how you can create a better work-life balance. Aries are known for their ambition, so if you continue to crank out the results, you’re going to reap even better rewards. The beginning of September is singing sunbeams to your employment and fitness sectors, so know that you can truly find improvement. Around September 13th, though, you’ll be feeling the weight of all that work and may need to rest, recharge, and take a break. Trust this moment in time because your career is a huge theme now and in 2020. Then, like the snap of your fingers, relationships will be rising into your mind as we near the end of the month. You’ll be spending more time with your one and only if you’re already taken, or if you are looking to find a partner in crime, you’re especially in luck. Use this time to grow your relationships and they’ll blossom like a garden of business or love.


The stars have never quite aligned exactly like this for you, Taurus, and they will be blasting open a door to your romantic and creative life. This may mean that committed Taurus grow closer, or, if single, you finally cross paths with your life’s twin flame. Soulmates come to us when the timing is right, and this most certainly will be a moment where your heart is lit on fire. Mid-month, a big event in your social life will be calling, so be certain to get dressed up and be ready to mingle. You could meet important friends who may open doors you’ve been hoping to walk through. Later, though, your work life cranks into overdrive as the month’s pace picks up speed. Consider ways you can take on more projects or even switch to a different employer who knows your worth better.


September will kick off by having you focus on your family and home. If anything of importance takes place now, be sure to jump on it. This may see you wanting to move or fix up your space, or perhaps a family situation will rise to your attention. The middle of the month will see you roaring in your career, so be sure to set aside time to work extra hard. You could be receiving an important promotion or award or rising higher up the ladder. All of your hard work is culminating with this. However, get ready to have plenty of fun as the stars move into your romantic sector in the second half of the month. You may be ready to open your heart to someone new or grow closer to your honey. Plan some adventurous and passionate evenings because you’ll surely feel your heart ablaze. If you’re an artist, the muse will surely be calling to you.


The beginning of September will have you focused on how you communicate and speak your mind, Cancer, so consider ways to expand your voice. Contracts and negotiations are also favored at this time. Mid-month, we see you thinking about growing your mind even further, perhaps with academics, spirituality, or exotic experiences. If you find ways to learn more about humanity at large, you’ll feel even fuller. As we climb toward the end of the month, you’ll be feeling extra domestic. Home and family are highlighted at this time, and this will surely bring you more happiness. You love this kind of energy, so let the nostalgic times sing.


Money is in your eyes, Leo, and you couldn’t be happier. It appears the stars above are ready to open the doors to higher income and you will definitely be thinking about your worth. Find ways to monetize every way you can. Mid-September will see you focusing back onto relationships and what you give and receive. Your sensual and erotic side will certainly be peaked, so enjoy the connection if it is strong or walk away from relationships that are holding you down. At the end of the month, though, your mind will be booming with new thoughts on how you can write and speak at a higher degree. Go for it now.


Happy Birthday, Virgo! You are front and center now, so get ready for the spotlight. Whatever is deeply important to your heart can now be within reach if you spend the beginning of the month taking actions toward it. Be ready for open doors nearly everywhere you go. This is your time. Mid-month, though, will see you focusing on an important business or love relationship. If committed, you may be considering how to grow your connection to the next level, or if single, you may find someone with long-term potential. Later in the month, money will be on your mind, so contemplate how you can add cash to your pocketbook. It looks like the Universe is ready to give you more, so you should take it while you can.


At the start of September, you’re going to need to trust your urge to relax, recharge, and spend some time alone. You’ve been going so hard this year and it’s time to listen to your inner voice telling you to take a break. Use this time to assess what you want in your coming year and what you need to release that is no longer serving you. Karma will also be a focus now, so if you’ve done well, you should be reaping rewards, but if you’ve wronged others, it may be coming back to bite you. Mid-September will see you focusing on an important work project, so roll back your sleeves and get back to the grind. If you’d like to find another job, this could be a time when you’re in luck. The magical moment of the year you’ve been waiting for is here: the New Moon in Libra on September 28th! This is your celestial jewel opening a door to anything that is closest to your heart. Ring the alarm for birthday season because it can make your heart bloom.


You’re extra popular right now, Scorpio, just how you like it. You are known to revel in attention, and right now your friends and social network cannot get enough of you! At the beginning of the month, attend as many events as you can or find ways to expand your circle to include unique and exciting new people. Spend time with your current crew to grow even closer. Mid-month will surely be dazzlingly romantic for you because there will be a Full Moon in your love sector, igniting your heart like a beacon. You may have an important relationship take focus, a passionate romance begin, or, if committed, you may grow even closer to your significant other. Let your hair down and have a bit of fun! Pleasure will be on your mind. However, at the end of the month, you’ll be feeling the urge to spend some alone time to assess where you’re going and what you want in the coming year. Recharge your batteries and heal any wounds that need to be tended to before your time in the spotlight comes next month.


Summon the symphony and alert the press because you are going to be making thunder happen in your career at the beginning of the month. It appears major new opportunities are finally opening up for you, so seize them while you can. Family is what will be on your mind at the Full Moon mid-month—this period will help close a chapter and will perhaps include a move or a refresh for your space. This could be an emotional time, but you know it is for the better. As we dive into the final days of the month, your friendships and social sector will be vibrating off the charts. You’ll also be spending a lot of time thinking about your hopes and dreams and watching them come to fruition. The future is bright, Sagittarius, so don’t stop the party just yet. The best is yet to come.


September will be bringing you excitement and adventure, Capricorn, so get ready to set sail onto new horizons. The beginning of the month is asking you to step out of your comfort zone, take some risks, and learn more about life and the world. If you work in publishing, media, or academia, an important project may be on your mind, or if you are drawn to spirituality, you could find that you are ascending to a whole new level of understanding. Mid-month, your mind will be firing off with exciting ideas and you’ll be focused on an important communications-related project. Consider how you can speak and write more poignantly. As we near the very end of the month, you’re going to be playing your own version of “Game of Thrones” as you plot a strategy to rise higher in your industry. This is a big time for you because if you grind hard now, you will surely wear the crown in 2020.


September has you thinking about what you give and receive in your relationships, Aquarius. Partnerships have certainly been on your mind as of late, and that trend is going to continue. If your connections are balanced, they will improve. If they are not, you may grow frustrated and walk away. Mid-month, you’re going to be focused on your finances and income, so be sure to welcome in the abundance or find new ways to monetize. As we end the month, you’ll be feeling the need to expand your vision of the world, whether it be through travel, study, media, or working with people very different than you. Go for it and you’ll enjoy where your path leads.


Important relationships are on your mind in September, Pisces! Major partnerships in love and business are written in the stars specifically for you. This could be a destined time of making long-term plans, engagement, marriage, or even crossing paths with a soulmate. Don’t sit behind a phone—get out there and swim into new seas! Mid-month, a Full Moon in your sign spotlights you and will have everyone turning to look your way. Many of your hopes and dreams will be taking focus now, as well as an important relationship. Enjoy the power you now carry. To end September, you’ll again be considering your connections, but specifically on what you give and receive. An important financial matter may be involved or even simply your intimate needs. Find a balance that works for you both.

BY Kyle Thomas - September 3, 2019


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