The Tech I Use to Continually Avoid Housework


Kate Arends Sunroom Design | Wit & Delight
This post is brought to you by Ecovacs.
All photos by Nicole Feest of NYLONSADDLE Photography

I’ve heard this time referred to as the “great pause”—a time for introspection and perhaps for learning a little more about yourself. One thing I’ve learned in this period of self-reflection and insightfulness is that I’ve been living in filth.

Okay, not actual filth, but during this whole packing up and moving process, I’ve discovered a few horrifying and embarrassing to admit cleaning habits I’ve chosen to ignore over the last five years. As it turns out, there are mundane yet critical tasks one should do regularly to avoid late-night oh-my-god-what-will-the-new-homeowner-think cleanings. A few of these tasks include cleaning windows, cleaning underneath and behind the fridge, cleaning IN the fridge, and mopping regularly.

Kate Arends Living Room | Wit & Delight

This is not to say that we don’t clean. We have two kids and a dog so, of course, there are areas that get cleaned when needed (see here for the latest). But the regular maintenance cleanings were almost always on my “I’ll do that this weekend” list—and let’s face it, this was a list I regularly chose to ignore. 

The thing is, with everything else going on in life, shaming myself about being so disorganized when it comes to cleaning, laundry, etc. doesn’t do much good. During this “great pause” I’ve actually come to accept certain flaws about myself. I’ve found myself asking, Why do I want to become someone I’m not? What if it’s OK to be disorganized and messy? When these traits stop becoming a character flaw and instead become a problem in need of a solution, they’re less emotionally charged and simpler to solve. In short, if we look for a solution compatible with the way we already ARE instead of who we WANT to become, we have a better chance at actually implementing a significant change.

The Tech I Use to Continually Avoid Housework | Wit & Delight

I’m never going to be as organized as I want to be. I’m never going to be as clean as I want to be. But that doesn’t mean I’m destined to live in either extreme.

Like any good student of learning to live with ADD, I am super into trying out new technology. I’m open to testing anything that can give me a better chance of managing life’s little tasks. If there is an app or product that can save me time or brain space, I’m all over it. We currently have Carl, our robot vacuum, that has been so helpful in keeping the dog hair and crumbs off the floor. Still, when Ecovacs reached out and asked me to give their DEEBOT Ozmo T8 AIVI a whirl, I couldn’t refuse. Why? Well, this one vacuum AND mops. I was intrigued.

Kate Arends Sunroom Gallery Wall | Wit & Delight

Truthfully, I’ve only used the DEEBOT a few times. Still, I was eager to have the opportunity to put it to the test, especially given all the extra time our family has spent at home lately. I was curious to find out how it would compare to me cleaning the floors myself. Here are a few things I noticed about the DEEBOT

  • It’s Quiet – We’d typically schedule Carl to run while we were out of the house or at night, to minimize the sound interrupting our lives (and to ensure the kids didn’t play with it). I had DEEBOT operating while I was packing up the main floor, and I was surprised when I saw it out of the corner of my eye—I’d forgotten it was running. 
  • It’s a Communicator – “I’m charging now.” “I’m done charging now.” DEEBOT is very much focused on the task at hand and making sure you are in constant contact with what’s happening and when—all with a delightful chime. Carl hasn’t been nearly as forthright [insert “ex-boyfriend and communication joke” here].
  • It Multitasks – Take a deep breath here—not only does the DEEBOT vacuum up debris but it also follows it up with a surface mop of your floors. I was really curious to see if I could give up deep cleaning forever with this little beauty, but sadly, it’s not built to clean up maple syrup from your floors. But what it does do is remove 99.26% of bacteria from the floors. I’m going to run the DEEBOT daily and space out the really deep cleans even more. 
  • It’s Dependable – I can tell the DEEBOT where I want it to clean and where I want it to avoid (regular-sized legos have entered our house), and can schedule specific rooms that might need extra attention all from my phone. 
  • It’s Got Great Friends – I had hoped that I would be able to take the DEEBOT right out of the box and put it to work, but I did have to call customer service to help me get started. The Ecovacs team was friendly and highly attentive and helped me get DEEBOT up and running very quickly. It also plays well with Alexa Home and Google Devices.

The DEEBOT is really made for those of us who just can’t quite remember (or are apathetic to) daily or weekly cleans. It is by far the most “intelligent” robot we’ve had in the house (what a wild phrase that was to type) and while this device isn’t for everyone and comes at a cost, it does give you time back in the long run. No, it won’t do a deep scrub on your floors, and yes, there is maintenance required in keeping the vacuum emptied and ready to clean each day. But if you are as bad as I am about keeping the floor free from crumbs, it’s a worthy investment that can be adopted into a new daily routine.

The Tech I Use to Continually Avoid Housework | Wit & Delight

We are lucky to be able to try out gadgets like these as new technology develops. If you’ve been considering buying one, I would encourage you to do your homework and think about how comfortable you are with tech and what you might gain or lose by making the leap. For me, it’s all about gaining time and improving my ability to multitask. And as I think about the new home/office space, I know I’m going to need all the help I can get to stay on top of these regular cleanings. This is why I can’t wait to introduce Carl to DEEBOT (I need to think of a nickname for DEEBOT)—I think they’ll make a great team.

Kate Arends Kitchen Design | Wit & Delight

What you rather be doing than cleaning floors? Tell me over on Instagram for your chance to win your very own Ecovacs DEEBOT Ozmo T8 AIVI.

Click here to review the complete terms and conditions of this giveaway.

Ed. note: This post was sponsored by Ecovacs. The compensation we receive in exchange for placement on Wit & Delight is used to purchase props, hire a photographer, write/edit the blog post and support the larger team behind Wit & Delight.

While compensation was received in exchange for coverage, all thoughts and opinions are always my own. Sponsored posts like these allow us to continue to develop dynamic unsponsored content.
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BY Kate Arends - May 21, 2020


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