Since moving into our home a few months ago, I’ve become enamored with ways to incorporate color in interior design. While our previous home was designed in a mostly neutral palette, I’m fully embracing the existing colorful aesthetic of our new place. Transitioning into this vibrant space with its peach, pink, and yellow walls has given me a new sense of purpose and inspiration in design that I’d been missing before.
When I’m looking for design inspiration outside of our home, I head online to Instagram. I’ve long had a habit of saving my favorite posts, and lately, the theme in my saved design folder has been color. I find myself much more drawn to bold interiors than I was before, and I’m forever in awe of the many designers who bring these stunning spaces to life.
Once you’ve made it through my recommendations, I’d love to hear your favorite colorful Instagram accounts in the comments!
Shavonda Gardner’s designs are full of rich, deep, moody colors. Through her blog, SG Style, and Instagram account, she chronicles her design process in detail, and it’s a delight to follow along.
Beata is a registered interior designer and head of the design studio, Beata Heuman Ltd. On her Instagram account, she showcases bold patterns, pops of color, and playful designs throughout.
Greg began the Instagram account @manwithahammer as a way to chronicle the process of restoring his home, a historic property in England. Come for the colorful interiors, stay for the behind-the-scenes look at the restoration process (it’s really very fascinating).
Justina Blakeney is a designer, bestselling author, and founder of Jungalow, a home interiors shop and lifestyle brand. Her Instagram account is chock-full of vibrant, textured designs that are sure to inspire you.
Meta Coleman is a designer and photographer who is no stranger to colorful, patterned interiors. Explore Meta’s feed for a look inside vibrant rooms that don’t shy away from design risks.
Angela Wator is the owner of BASH Party Goods, a design-focused party company in Chicago, and her home interiors are reminiscent of just that…a party. Follow along for family photos and bright, lively interiors (see above for proof).
Dabito is the founder and creative director of creative studio Old Brand New, and his Instagram feed is an ode to bright, vibrant interiors. You’re sure to garner inspiration from his feed (and if you need even more, you can check out his 2018 home tour on Wit & Delight).
Natalie is the owner of interior design company, Home Ec. Her Instagram account is full of show-stopping designs featuring some of the boldest colors around. If you’re on the fence about introducing bright colors to your home, her feed may just make you cross over to the other side.
Sheila Bridges is the owner of Sheila Bridges Design and an incredibly talented interior designer, furniture designer, wallpaper designer, and clothing designer. On her feed, you’ll find intimate snippets of life and photos of her colorful, stunning interiors.
Gwen is the founder of the website, The Makerista. On her Instagram feed, you’ll find behind-the-scenes looks at the beautiful, vivid Missouri home she shares with her family.
Kate is the founder of Wit & Delight. She is currently learning how to play tennis and is forever testing the boundaries of her creative muscle. Follow her on Instagram at @witanddelight_.
BY Kate Arends - July 6, 2020
Did you know W&D now has a resource library of Printable Art, Templates, Freebies, and more?
Thank you for being here. For being open to enjoying life’s simple pleasures and looking inward to understand yourself, your neighbors, and your fellow humans! I’m looking forward to chatting with you.
I’m also transitioning my home for neutral to more color after realizing that I’m actually not much of a minimalist, I’ve been admiring Reath Design, Studio Ashby & India Mahdavi Design. I’ve also found the British shelter mags tend to feature more colorful interiors (i.e., House & Garden).
These are all SUCH good recommendations for colorful design inspiration. Thank you for sharing, Diana!
Delicious colors! I just bought some bright yellow and blue for my atelier 😀
Thank you so much for including me Kate!! I love following all these accounts!!!! Such a great round up!
Of course!! Your content is such a bright spot on my feed!