June 2022 Horoscopes: A Breath of Fresh Air


June 2022 Horoscopes | Wit & Delight

After May’s intense astrological shifts, June is going to feel like a breath of fresh air. We begin the month under the light of the Sun in Gemini, an intellectual zodiac sign who sees life through a fun and curious lens. 

On June 3, Mercury goes direct, which should begin to ease any miscommunication we have experienced since the beginning of May. In case you’ve been waiting for Mercury to go direct before launching an important product or project, June 11 is when the cosmic messenger begins to move at its normal speed. 

June 14 brings the arrival of this month’s full moon, which happens in the skies of Sagittarius. Our minds will be racing at this time, as some of our beliefs could be getting challenged. Know that under this full moon, things won’t be like they seem, so hold off on making major decisions at this time. 

We turn an energetic page on June 21, when the Sun enters Cancer, and the summer solstice arrives. Take this shift as your yearly cosmic reminder to slow down and enjoy life. Cancer is a water sign, and its healing energy is here to help us integrate all the changes that took place last month. This will be especially true during the June 28 new moon in Cancer, which brings a fabulous opportunity to get in touch with our feminine energy. 

Find out what the month ahead has in store for your zodiac sign in the June 2022 horoscopes below!

Want even more? Read the 2022 horoscopes forecast for the entire year and find all of our horoscopes content saved here.


June 2022 Horoscopes: Aries | Wit & Delight

June holds a unique flavor for you, as the planets will be instigating deep healing to take place in your life. If you have been waiting for a call to explore a holistic healing modality like Reiki or aromatherapy, this is it. While it might be tough to face some of your deepest memories, doing so will unlock a gift that will be key to your growth for the next year. 

On a more tangible note, your second house of money is receiving an incredible amount of cosmic activity from June 1 to June 22. You could not only receive more money in your bank account, but an incredible amount of brilliance is also available to you in the form of new and exciting ideas that eventually could lead to success. The trick lies in thinking outside the norm and daring to try methods no one else would. 


June 2022 Horoscopes: Taurus | Wit & Delight

You have an exciting month ahead, Taurus, as it is now when a lot of the change that took place in May will begin to make sense. A lineup of five cosmic influences (including Venus, your planetary ruler) will be in your sign, instigating you to follow a big dream that has been in the back of your mind for quite some time. If there was ever a time to chase it, that time is now! 

You have eloquence, the gift of strategy, the power of manifestation, and the wind at your back. All you need to do is dare to embrace change and act! Mark the days between June 7 and June 13 as some of your luckiest ones to make a bold move. And regardless of the nature of the project you’re working on, remember that what the cosmos wants to see is your true essence—unfiltered, unedited, and unapologetically bold.


June 2022 Horoscopes: Gemini | Wit & Delight

Happy birthday, Gemini! For you, the best news is that your planetary ruler, Mercury, is going direct on June 3. Once it enters your sign moving at its normal speed on June 13, you should be ready to implement all the learnings and changes that took place during the retrograde. The Sun will also be in your sign, helping you make progress on some of your loftiest goals. Until June 21, all you must do to take advantage of its energy is be clear and grounded in your ambitions. Otherwise, confusion could take over, especially around June 16. 

If there is a relationship that feels stale in your life, use the days surrounding the June 14 full moon to end it. Don’t look back and don’t worry about seeing this person go. Because, starting June 22, lover Venus enters your sign to bask you in her magnificent glow for the next three weeks. 


June 2022 Horoscopes: Cancer | Wit & Delight

You begin the month on an introspective note, as the Sun will be in your sector of the subconscious mind. Once the summer solstice arrives, you will feel ready to emerge and more in your element, as the Sun will be asking you to focus more on shining your unique light on the world. 

A very deep part of yourself is ready to be unleashed, Cancer. Black Moon Lilith, the archetype of the wild feminine, is now in your sign, and while it will stay there until mid-December, it will be incredibly active at the end of June. Lilith will reawaken parts of you that have previously been hidden or repressed, and the answer is to hear them out and allow for their expression, as they relate to your own divine feminine energy. The June 28 new moon in your sign is ideal for exploring this witchy side of yourself with the help of astrology, tarot, or spellwork. 


June 2022 Horoscopes: Leo | Wit & Delight

Your career outlook is excellent in June, Leo, but you will have to see things from a completely new perspective. Venus in Taurus will help you attract more support from your peers and maybe even more money in your bank account, as long as you abandon the old for more exciting and innovative ways of operating. If you can and the energy is there, adopt new tools, upgrade your tech, and embrace new strategies that can refresh your role or business look. 

Once the summer solstice arrives, you will feel the need to retreat, in preparation for your solar return month. As much as you can, schedule downtime, as it is in these moments of rest when you’re bound to receive powerful downloads. The June 28 new moon in Cancer delivers some codes and secrets that will shape your future, so make sure to tune into your intuition under this magical lunar event.  


June 2022 Horoscopes: Virgo | Wit & Delight

June 3 is a big day for you as Mercury ends its retrograde, but a better day is when it enters your career sector on June 13. From this day on, the projects that previously stalled begin to take shape and things should begin to move very fast. An important deal could be sealed on June 16, but because confusing Neptune will be involved, it’s vital that you get all the information, analyze the fine print, and overcommunicate as clearly as possible. 

Once June 21 arrives, your focus will turn toward networking, as the Sun’s entrance into Cancer will activate your eleventh house of community. As you network and connect with people, keep an eye on female leaders who embody the qualities of creativity and feminine power. One or more of them could awaken a dormant energy within you that is begging to come out and be expressed to the world. 


Libra June Horoscope

You have an exhilarating month in store, Libra. Your ruler, goddess Venus, will be placed very strongly in the sky, potentially helping you attract money, pleasure, and new lovers—if that’s what you’re looking for. She will be traveling very close to Uranus, the planet of change, so do expect an exciting and even “fated” turn of events. In more ways than one, you’re being asked to refresh your views around love and partnership during the month ahead. 

The beginning of summer will have people partying and celebrating—but for you, this is a great time to stay focused on work. Cancer rules your sector of career and public reputation, and with the Sun illuminating the way, you can make headway in this area of your life until late July. Use the June 28 new moon to set some ambitious goals, brainstorm ideas, and plant new seeds of intention. 


Scorpio June Horoscope

Relationships play a key role in your astrology for the month ahead. For starters, you will have a packed seventh house, which means a partner (business or romantic) will be quite busy at work or dealing with life in general. For that reason, you might have to give away some of your time to accommodate and help them, dear Scorpio. The good news is that Venus will be here, helping you connect and maybe even bringing you more money in the process. 

Your planetary ruler, Mars, will be in Aries, which is set to light your inner fire and ambition. However, the tricky part here is that it will also be activating Chiron, unraveling insecurities around health and your daily routine. If this placement unveils a habit or two that needs to change for you to have a better work-life balance, make the necessary changes the day after the June 14 full moon. 


Sagittarius June Horoscope

Relationships take work, Sagittarius, as you are about to see in June. Gemini rules your seventh house of partnerships, so the first twenty days of the month are about balancing the give-and-take within your personal connections. As Mercury enters that same sign on June 13, a lot of the communication issues will begin to clear away, allowing you to connect with more confidence. 

This month’s full moon happens in your sign on June 14, bringing the perfect energy for release and healing. If you are less than happy with certain habits, situations, and even people, you have cosmic permission to abandon them. However, since a tricky side of Neptune will be active during this full moon’s configuration, it’s vital that you’re sure about your feelings before shutting the door on people. This is especially true regarding a serious partner, a roommate, or a family member. 


Capricorn June Horoscope

For you, Capricorn, Gemini season is usually a productive time, as the Sun illuminates your sector of daily work. However, this year, the universe has other plans. Your home life might be asking for a little bit more attention, as Mars will be activating Chiron, meaning that there is some healing to be done in this area of your life. Open up and express your feelings. The time invested here will bring you growth in this area of your life in 2023, so see this as covering your future bases. 

You could also feel a deep pull to rest, do absolutely nothing at times, and enjoy life, as a total of four planetary energies will be activating your fifth house of creativity, fun, and play. By all means, follow this draw and embrace the feeling of liberation. As the summer solstice arrives on June 21, your focus will shift toward partnerships, both in romance and business. 


Aquarius June Horoscope

Last month’s astrology brewed with intensity for you, so you will be glad to know that it becomes much easier. Gemini rules your fifth house of romance and play, so during the first twenty days of June, you are being productive when you’re enjoying life and having fun. The even better news is that strict Saturn begins its retrograde in your sign on June 4, which will diminish its powers and give you a break until it goes direct on October 22.

There is also an energy that involves communication and healing, as Mars and Chiron will be unraveling certain issues around your past inability to speak up and share your thoughts. While this is not easy work to do, focusing on healing your throat chakra by writing or talking about your journey can unlock incredible empowerment for you and others, Aquarius. If you do decide to do the work, use the June 14 full moon, which activates your sector of community. 


Pisces June Horoscope

What’s most sacred to you, Pisces? On May 24, asteroid Vesta entered your sign, where it will stay until August 20. As this planetary body gets even deeper into the emotional waters of your being, it is asking you to deeply dedicate your time and energy to one or two practices that speak to you. Whether it is yoga, spirituality, or being of service to your community, Vesta is lighting up your inner fire to give your life a more focused direction. 

Speaking of direction, the astrology of June also holds the power to heal your wounds around money and even self-worth. If you feel like your ambitions do not align with the value you see in yourself, this month’s configurations provide the perfect weather to work on your personal values. Enrolling in a money mastermind program could really help you get where you want (and deserve) to be, Pisces! 

BY Narayana Montúfar - June 2, 2022


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