W&D Consults: Building Your Brand Story with Wit & Delight x Skillshare

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I want to offer you a FREE month of Premium membership to check out these classes and more.

Behind every strong brand there are answers to these questions: Why do they exist? What do they do? And, how do they make their mission a reality? Supported by a brand’s core values, a focused belief statement is essential to driving brands forward, keeping all aspects of businesses tracking along to the same long-term goals.

The same rules apply to even the smallest businesses.

So last year, I took everything I had learned from corporate brand consulting and turned them into classes made to fit small businesses and budding entrepreneurs. I worked with  Madesmith and CAMP on branding initiatives, and both of these experiences were so gratifying. I was looking for a way to replicate those experiences but on a bigger scale. Enter Skillshare, an online community for creators, teachers, and students alike.


The team at Skillshare reached out to me last fall inquiring about a potential collaboration, which initially was more creative-focused. While I love working on the creative side, I was more interested in sharing a skill set that can help focus creative pursuits: a strong brand platform.

Those familiar with my background know that I spent a few years at the branding firm Cue here in Minneapolis. Since moving to W&D full-time, brand development is what I’ve spent most of my time doing, even as I moved away from graphic design. What I’ve found is strategic development gives creative ideas wings, and I’ve really enjoyed laying the groundwork for the creative and marketing departments looking to retool their brand. I’ve been very fortunate to be able to put into play this newfound passion of mine in some of my consulting roles, specifically with Fossil. Skillshare was on board with shifting the concept from a creative focus to developing a professional (or personal) brand.

Values Page

I’m excited to tell you that my class, “Personal and Lifestyle Branding: Building Your Story” is now available on Skillshare. The class comprises of 5 videos, roughly 45 minutes, with some light homework involved.

Enjoy a FREE month of Premium membership on me. Be sure to check out my classes and the many others offered by Skillshare!

Let me know what you think!

Images: Big thanks to Graphictwister for helping me with the images. Also, the amazing Heiday Floweing Cacti V print in both images!

BY Kate Arends - March 1, 2016

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March 1, 2016 11:32 am

I signed up for Skillshare last month and it’s been a really affordable way for me to learn new skill sets. I’ll be adding you video to my cue soon!

March 1, 2016 1:34 pm

Just signed up!

March 2, 2016 1:34 pm

Thanks, Kate! Your Venn diagram reminds me of the Emotion Mind / Rational Mind / Wise Mind diagram in Dialectical Behavorial Therapy. Are you familiar?

Can’t wait to check out Skillshare and your classes!

March 2, 2016 11:35 pm

I have a Skillshare account already and I’m so excited to check out the class!

March 3, 2016 7:14 am

Just took this class and I feel super inspired. I will spend the rest of the day writing down my values, what, why and how. You really broke it down to a level where I feel like I can do it for myself and actually succeed.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us Kate. <3

[…] Looking to build your brand online? Check out Wit & Delight’s new Skillshare class – Building Your Brand Story […]

March 5, 2016 5:17 pm

I have an art and handcrafted jewelry brand that I am building, so this class came at a perfect time. I just created my first Skillshare class last month and found your class on the trending page. So It was a great inspiration on a few levels. Super easy to understand and the project is so down to earth. Looking forward to completing it and strengthening my brand. Thanks Kate!

March 7, 2016 12:38 pm

Yes, doing this for sure!

March 8, 2016 3:56 am

Very excited about this class! I’ve been using Skillshare for a couple months now and love it. To know that they reach out to interesting creatives by themselves to pitch new projects and get great new classes and content on the platform is awesome. Looking forward to attend!

March 9, 2016 10:41 pm

Just signed up!

March 10, 2016 5:10 am

[…] behind all of Wit&Delight, the branding at Askov Finlayson (among others).  And now, an amazing class, Building Your Brand, on Skillshare (my favourite learning site).  I just completed it this past weekend and was amazed […]

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